Sunday, January 28, 2007

Happy birthday ... doubly so!

Saturday was Lucas and Caleb's eighth birthday, and they invited six of their friends over. The original plan was to take all the boys to see the movie "Flushed Away," but after the discount theater refused to accept anything but cash, we ended up at (Up)Chuck E. Cheese. Afterward, we went back to the house for cake and presents.

Looks like the sugar rush from the cake and ice cream just set in!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Pilots meet-and-greet

Erin worked tonight and Noah and his Webelos pack went to visit a possible Boy Scout troop for them to join. So I took the twins and Sarah to Majors Sports Bar and Grill in Bloomington for a meeting of Minneapolis-St. Paul pilots who are involved in, a networking website for pilots. My camera doesn't have a working flash, of course, so the pictures are blurry. In the photo above, L to R, are gredenko (James), blee256 (Brian), Dazzler (Richard) and his wife and children, and Clumping Litter (Christine). We found out that I share my birthday with James and Richard, although they are much younger than I! We're all flight instructors, and Brian is a first officer in the CRJ for Pinnacle Airlines.

minnflyer (Rich) with Sarah, Caleb and Lucas.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Pinewood Derby time!

Tonight was Pinewood Derby night for Cub Scout Pack 685, of which Noah, Lucas and Caleb are members. None of our boys won their age group, but they did earn ribbons for participating!

Noah's car is the yellow one, Caleb's is the blue one and Lucas made the red one. The boys had help from Grandpa Gordon and Uncle Aaron (who helped form the shape of the cars), Erin (who got the painting started) and Rich (who applied the weights and put the wheels on. Rich also ran the race computer at the event, which kept the times for each car.

Here's one of the more creative cars that was at the race. Inside each eyeball was an LED that made the eyes glow red!

This car won "best of show" for its design and cool paint job.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Thanks for your comments

Just wanted to thank those of you who have commented on this blog and wondered why your comments did not appear. Well, it turns out that I wasn't aware that I had to moderate those comments in order for them to show up. I've gone back and added all comments I could find.

So keep those comments coming, and I'll do a better job of making sure they are added. Happy New Year!


Power sleeper

Sarah loves to take a power nap every morning. Today, it happened to be in the papa-san chair behind the computer where I was doing some work. I had put her in there with a couple of toys to play with, and pretty soon I heard some heavy breathing!

Sarah had her 9-month checkup recently and is doing great. She's in the 95th (!!!) percentile for height at 29 inches, and weighs almost 21 pounds. Dr. Manney says we should have five more just like her. OK, if he provides daycare and pays for college!