Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Supermodel Sarah and some new 9-year-olds

Grandma Gordon is visiting us for a few days this week, and she arranged for Sarah to sit for photos at JC Penney for her two-year-old pictures. Sarah wore two outfits, one of which is a Norwegian outfit that Erin wore 30-some years ago!

Here's the other outfit Sarah wore. She had fun with the photographer lady!

Lucas and Caleb celebrated their ninth birthdays last weekend. They had several friends over, and thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Wynne, they all got to go snow-tubing for two hours over at Elm Creek Park. Then they came back to the house for cake and ice cream.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Meet Harley (Mud) Gordon

Erin came home from work one morning last week with Harley, a two-month-old male Pekingese puppy. Rich, who didn't want another animal in the house, says Harley's middle name is "Mud," although he must admit that Harley is pretty cute. Just not as cute as Mama Erin!

Harley has no fear of Max, who weighs 40 times as much as he does! Max has to defend his bone from Harley quite a bit, but Max never lashes out at him. Just has to growl a bit.

When Max goes outside to the bathroom, Harley sometimes goes along to learn from the big boy.

Sarah got a new puppy, too! A mechanical one (thank gosh!) from Grandma and Grandpa Gordon.

Sarah loves her new robot puppy!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Hockey Daze in Owatonna

The entire family spent this past weekend in Owatonna for a Pee Wee "C" hockey tournament. Noah's Brooklyn Park Pirates lost their first game 4-3 in two overtimes and a heartbreaking shootout, but bounced back to win their next two games and the consolation title. Here, Noah takes the puck up the ice.

Rich's bicycling friends Curt and Steve live in Owatonna, and they were nice enough to drop by and support Noah and the Pirates. Here they are sitting with Grandma and Grandpa Gordon.

Caleb and Sarah giggle after taking a little spill.

Rich exhibits his best impression of a deer in the headlights. Meanwhile, Erin seems to have channeled Saturday Night Live's Cheri Oteri and says, "SIMMER DOWN NOW!"

Erin and Caleb enjoy the game.

Sarah looks at pictures with her friend Jill, the sister of one of Noah's teammates.


Extreme close-up: WHOOAAA!

Sarah and Grandpa Gordon kill time at the hotel by watching the digital picture frame he and Grandma got for Christmas. Sarah just LOVES to watch pictures! When she wants to watch one of our home videos on TV, she points and says, "Show??"

We took the obligatory trip to Cabela's HUGE sporting goods/ outdoors store in Owatonna, where we saw lots of stuffed dead things on a fake mountain! Sarah also got to see the huge tanks filled with Minnesota game fish. Rich went nuts and spent most of his Christmas money on new hiking boots (about 60 percent off!) and GPS accessories.

Noah's Brooklyn Park Pirates team hoists their consolation champion- ship trophy! That's Noah in the back row, the second one from the left. The Pirates beat Faribault 4-3 to win their trophy, scoring four unanswered goals after trailing 3-0. Good job, PIRATES!