Aunt Libby and cousins Peyton and Zane drove down from Jamestown last weekend to spend a few days with us. We took an afternoon and drove over to St. Paul to see the Science Museum again. Here are Sarah and Peyton beneath the skeleton of the pterodactyl that hangs over the museum entrance.

Sarah and Peyton practice delivering the news at the science museum's tiny television station.

After the museum, we drove up to Champlin to visit the 5-8 Bar and Grill, where we had Juicy Lucys! For those of you who don't know, a Juicy Lucy is a hamburger that has molten hot cheese at the center of the burger. If you're not careful, it can squirt out and burn your mouth. We all escaped unscathed.

Sarah's dance class had picture night last week. Here's Sarah in one of her two outfits that she will wear during her dance recital in May. I didn't know monkeys could dance!

Peyton and Aunt Erin wait patiently for Sarah's photo shoot to end.