Lucas and Sarah get in some freshwater swimming at one of the condo's two swimming pools. It was right beneath our balcony, so we could keep an eye on them.

Sarah took this picture of her daddy holding a starfish. No, we didn't catch it in the ocean ... It was a buck-fifty at our local beach tourist trap store.

Rich took a couple of hours one day to drive a few miles up to Eglin Air Force Base to check out the U.S. Air Force Armament Museum. They even had an SR-71 parked outside, and here it is. This one last flew in 1976 and had a one-of-a-kind electronics package installed in a special elongated tail pod.

There was also a B-52, or BUFF!

And a replica of a MOAB (Mother of All Bombs). If it had been a real GBU-43/B, there would have been 18,700 pounds of H6 explosive on board. According to Wikipedia, the bomb has been tested twice but never used in combat.