Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Trip to the apple orchard

Sarah's kindergarten class took its first field trip of the year yesterday! Her daddy and several other moms and dads got to go along with them to the Pine Tree Apple Orchard in White Bear Lake. Here are the kids sitting in a 100-year-old apple storage barn waiting for a quick presentation on the apple-growing process.

Julie, our tour guide, showed us how the apple pickers get the apples off of the trees. This particular orchard had around 15,000 apple trees growing there.

The kids got a quick look at the apples going through the sorting line.

Then we had lunch, followed by a special treat of fresh apple cider and apple donuts provided by the orchard. Here's Sarah eating lunch with her friends, Edison and Hope. These were the three kids in "Mr. Gordon's" group.

Just before we headed back to school, the kids took advantage of a quick photo op.

Little cheerleader

A couple of weekends ago, Sarah got the chance to go to a cheerleading clinic put on by the Osseo High School cheer squad, of which Noah's girlfriend Brenna is a member. That's Brenna on the left, holding Sarah's right foot. Sarah had a lot of fun!

Making friends is easy at cheer clinics!

Sarah gets warmed up the night of the big Osseo Homecoming game. She and the other kids at the cheer clinic got to go out onto the track at halftime and perform the routine they learned the weekend before.

"Dad, is it time to go onto the field yet? How about now? How many more minutes? How about now?"

Here's Caleb messing around with his skateboard. He's really getting along well in the seventh grade at Osseo Junior High.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Back to school!

After weeks of waiting, Sarah FINALLY got to attend her first day of kindergarten today. Here's mommy putting a few curls into Sarah's hair before we went to the bus stop.

Gotta get a picture with proud mama and papa before the first day of school!

Looks like Noah and his friends Dalton and Jacob went trick-or-treating for their first day of 10th grade. Actually, they're dressed up in the school colors of Osseo High School. If you're looking for pictures of Lucas and Caleb on their first day, Erin completely forgot to snap a photo of them. Rats!

These last two pictures were taken at Sarah's school open house last week. Here she is with her kindergarten teacher, Ms. Loiselle.

Sarah's even got her very own locker! She's trying it out for size.