Monday, May 19, 2008

Erin's birthday weekend

This past Saturday was Erin's 40th, er, 39th, birthday, and Rich arranged a surprise for her up at Bowstring. Erin's parents, grandmother and her sister's family were waiting at Roger and Gloria's for a surprise birthday weekend! On the way up, our family stopped in Crosby, Minn., for a play break. Here are Sarah and Lucas on a big slide.

"Whoa! It's bright outside my teepee!"

Noah, Erin, Peyton and Sarah take a paddleboat ride at Bowstring. The water was cold! Only 50 degrees!

Grandpa G shows Sarah how to play the organ.

The boys slept out in their tent the first night. They made it until 5 a.m., when it got too cold, and they came inside the house and crashed on the living-room floor.

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