Thursday, August 20, 2009


With summer fast coming to a close, Erin and Rich decided to take Sarah, Lucas, Caleb, Noah and his friend Andrew to Valleyfair last Tuesday. Noah and his friend took off on their own most of the day, and Lucas wasn't feeling well enough to ride many rides, so they aren't pictured here. But Erin and Caleb started right off on "Steel Venom," a electro-magnetic rollercoaster that accelerates quickly to around 50 mph and shoots riders straight up into the air at either end of the track.

"WHOOOOH!" says Erin.

Sarah and mommy enjoyed the balloon ride Sarah went on two years ago during her first visit to Valleyfair.

Caleb and Sarah on "The Mild Thing," a rollercoaster for kids.

"Wheeeeee!" Caleb showed Sarah how to raise her arms into the air in a show of rollercoaster bravado, and Sarah did it without being scared!

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