Saturday, June 19, 2010

Jaunt with Jim 2010 (Part III)

We had mostly dry (but cloudy) conditions for riding on the third day, which went from Houston to La Crescent, Minn. Here are Curt and Suzanne enjoying the bluffs on their tandem bike. These two were married at the Little Brown Church in Nashua, Iowa, then drove to the start of the ride in Chatfield, Minn. Congrats!

Gettin' a little zany and riding in the oncoming traffic lane to get a picture. Don't worry, there were no cars around at the time!

Rich poses with Jim Klobuchar, the Conductor of the ride.

Al (in Marine green) and his daughter Jenna (in blue) ride in a paceline to a rest stop on the Mississippi River near Brownsville, Minn.

"We made it to the Mississippi! OK, now where are the snacks?"

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