Rich just got back from the 33rd annual "Jaunt with Jim Klobuchar" bike ride. This year we rode 400 miles around the Iron Range in northern Minnesota, starting and ending in Beaver Bay on the North Shore. Here's Rich atop the Skibo Overlook with the eastern Iron Range behind him.
At a rest stop in Tower, Minn., Rich climbed on an old steam locomotive with friends Al and Mary.
This year's trip was HOT! We dealt with practically no rain. Here a bunch of us relaxed after lunching on sloppy joes in Cook, Minn.
Here's Rich with old friend Bob Lincoln at the Hull-Rust Mine Pit near Hibbing, Minn. This mine is the largest open-pit mine in the world, and is nearly two miles wide!
A beautiful sunset on the last night of our ride in Hoyt Lakes, Minn.
1 comment:
Great pix! Is that Bill Murray behind Rhonda in the picture where you're all relaxing? :-) Thanks for sharing, looks like you had alot of fun!
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