Well, daddy couldn't wait any longer. "Sarah is 19 months old now," he figured, "and it's time she had her first airplane ride!" So today was the big day! Daddy took Sarah and mommy to Crystal Airport for a 30-minute ride in Warrior 2208V, one of the planes in which daddy used to instruct. It's almost 30 years old and needs a paint job, but hey, it's airworthy!
Mommy and Sarah, ready for takeoff!
Sarah got a really good view from her car seat, which we strapped in the plane. She also had her own set of headphones for a while, until mommy took them off. Sarah got a little nervous after takeoff, but not too bad. Maybe the pressure change made her ears sore? Daddy did his best job of flying straight and level.
We flew around north of Anoka for a while, and mommy took Sarah out of her car seat to settle her down. Then she promptly fell asleep! She slept all the way back to the airport, and daddy's landing was so soft (a "greaser"), Sarah didn't even wake up! Check out Sarah's shirt: "Girls Fly." Yeah, baby!
Rich loves this picture! We had a hard time getting Sarah back in the minivan after our ride. She wanted to look at our airplane some more! But we got her in the van and went off to grab some lunch.
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