Rich met up with six bicycling friends today to ride in the second annual Minneapolis Bike Tour with some 8,000 other bike riders. Suzanne is taking the picture, so here are (from left), Laura, Steve, Rich, Bob, John and Curt. We had temperatures in the 50s all day, and the rain held off until after we were finished! We did the short 14-mile loop first, then followed up with the long 37-mile route around the beautiful Minneapolis parkways (which were blocked off to traffic).

Suz loads up on bananas.

Here we are at a rest stop near Minnehaha Falls, doing what we do best: EAT! Curt and Steve always say, "We're an eating group with a bicycling disorder."

Hmmm. I don't know ... I think Laura only claimed to be cold so the guys would gather around her.

Near the University of Minnesota, we rode past the spot where most of the steel beams from the collapsed I-35W bridge were moved. I figure this is where the NTSB is doing much of its examination of the beams.
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