Rich went on his 19th Jaunt with Jim Klobuchar bike ride in the past 20 years this past week. This year's ride was in the Minnesota Arrowhead region, centered around Grand Marais on the North Shore of Lake Superior. Here's Rich with friends Laura and John on the first day of the ride.

After setting up our tents in Grand Marais on the first day, about 30 of us rode an extra 12 miles to a general store in the woods for lunch. The ride included a HUGE three-mile hill that we had to ride up ... of course, we got to ride back down afterward, and Rich hit 40 mph on the way down. Fortunately, no Junebugs were out to hit him in the teeth.

Tim, Steve, Rich, Laura and Mary enjoyed supper at the Angry Trout Cafe in Grand Marais. That's the same place Rich and Erin visited on their first getaway trip together back in 2003.

The harbor at Grand Marais.

Steve, Paul, Mary, Laura and John in Grand Marais.
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